"I felt I had given birth to more than a baby: to new life in myself...I could not imagine the baby would do this for me, but I felt life given back to me--a door to life opened.  I wanted to live, I felt power to live... a spell had been broken, the spell over us that made me dread everything and feel that nothing would go right after this.  The spell was broken by this real, tangible, perfect baby, coming into an imperfect world and coming out of the teeth of sorrow - a miracle."  -- Anne Morrow Lindberg
Click on any image for an elargement
Nicole One Month - 1964
Nicole One Month
Nicole Newly Arrived -1964
Nicole Newly Arrived
Nicole on Jacques Shoulder - 1964 copy
Nicole on Jacques Shoulder
Nicole en Panier I - 1964
Nicole en Panier with Binky
Nicole On My Lap - 1964
Nicole On My Lap
Nicole's Infancy - 1964
Nicole en Panier with Birds

"Indifferent to the outside world, mother and child exist in a cocoon, engulfed by each other’s presence. Here the artist's rough, expressionistic stroke and intuitive use of color again serve her well, creating an immediate and almost tactile image of the intimacy between mother and child... This interior way of looking at the mother and child through the mother’s eyes stands in stark contrast to conventional male depictions of the subject, which objectify mother and child by observing them from the outside. In Redman’s drawings, the spectator views as the mother, rather than gazing at her." -- Michelle Vangen, Bridging the Artist/Mother Divide: The Maternal Imagery of Helen Redman, 2009

Paul 2&1/2 Months - 1966
Paul in Harvard Bib
Baby Paul Collage - 1966
Paul's World
Infant Paul - 1967
Paul in Jacques' Arms

"In the pre-feminist era of the early 1960's there was a legacy of Madonna and child images by male artists and a division between creativity and procreativity for women. Pregnancy could mean the end of your career and if a woman portrayed her own children it was considered 'sentimental' and 'too personal.' Redman defied artistic and societal norms by vividly depicting images of her own pregnancy and children." --Tess Heimbach

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