The Crone: Suggested

At this juncture in time, we are blessed to have so many women creating,
educating, researching, working and writing on every aspect of our lives.
My generation -- now croning -- is the one that led us into the women's
movement of the '70s and made its voice heard round the world.
I just delight in the bounty of publications by us, for us and about
us. I particularly love the way we know how to address our body, mind,
spirit and ecology as a whole. There are many terrific books now in print:
check out www.amazon.com to see all the titles and get descriptions. Select
the search categories of Aged Women (is that like aged wine?) and Women's
Health-menopause -- you won't believe how much is now in print.
follows is a list of sources, articles, books, journals and audio tapes, that
have informed and inspired me on the topics of menopause, aging, the crone,
creative expression, spirituality, art, psychology and women's health care.

- Bolen, Jean Shinoda, M.D., Goddesses
in Older Women, New York: Harper Collins, 2001
- Bolen, Jean Shinoda, M.D., The Millionth
Circle, Berkeley: Conari Press, 1999
- Bolen, Jean Shinoda, M.D., Wise Woman Archetype. Sounds True audio
- Borysenko, Joan, Ph.D., A Woman's Book of Life. New York:
Riverhead Books, 1996
- Broude, Norma and Garrard, Mary D., The Power of Feminist Art.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1994
- Cameron, Julia, The Artist's Way. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee
Books, 1992
- Chopra, Deepak, M. D., Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. New York:
Crown Publishers, 1993
- Clark, Etta, Growing Old Is Not For Sissies II. San Francisco: 1995
- Cohen, Gene D., M.D., PH.D., The Creative Age. New York: Avon Books, 2000
- Delany, Sarah L, Delany, A. Elizabeth and Hearth, Amy Hill, Having
Our Say. New York: Dell Publishing, 1993
- Doress-Worters, Paula B. and Siegal, Diana Laskin, The New Ourselves
Growing Older. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994
- Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, Women Who Run with the Wolves. New
York: Ballantine Books, 1992
- Friedan, Betty, The Fountain of Age. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1993
- Gablik, Suzi, The Reenchantment of Art. New York: Thames and
Hudson, 1991
- Gorman, Amy, Aging Artfully. Berkeley: Pal Publishing, 2006
- Greer, Germaine, The Change. New York: Knopf, 1992
- Goldman, Connie, In Praise of Age. University of Wisconsin
Extension, audio cassette, 1995
- Heilbrun, Carolyn, The Last Gift of Time. New York: Dial Press,
- Kaigler, Karen Walker, Ph.D., Positive Aging. Berkeley: Conari
Press, 1997
- Kornfeld, Jack, A Path with Heart. New York: Bantam Books,
- Kuhn, Maggie, No Stone Unturned. New York: Ballantine Books,
- Luke, Helen M., Old
Age: Journey Into Simplicity, New York: Bell Tower,
- Macdonald, Barbara and Rich, Cynthia, Look Me in the Eye, Old
Women, Aging and Ageism. Minneapolis: Spinsters Ink, 1983,
reissued 2001
- Martz, Sandra Haldeman and Shere, Deidre, Threads of Experience,
Watsonville: Papier-Mache, 1996
- Moody, Harry R. PH. D., The Five Stages of the Soul. New York: Random House, 1997
- Mother's Underground Magazine. "Crone, Issue #12"
MUM, 3922 N. Ridgeway, Chicago, IL 60618
- Nickerson, Betty, Old and Smart. Madeira Park, British Columbia,
Harbour Publishing, 1992
- Northrup, Christiane, M.D., Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom.
New York: Bantam, 1994
- Painter, Charlotte and Valois, Pamela, Gifts of Age. San Francisco:
Chronicle Books,1985
- Pearsall, Marilyn, editor, The Other Within Us, Boulder, Westview
Press, 1997
- Ram Dass, Still Here. New York: Riverhead Books, 2000
- Sark, Succulent Wild Woman. New York: Fireside, 1997
- Sarton, May, At Eighty Two. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996 (38
works in print including journals, poetry and novels.)
- Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman, From Age-ing to Sage-ing, New York: Warner Books
- Sheehy, Gail, New Passages. New York: Random House, 1995
- Sheehy, Gail, The Silent Passage. New York: Random House,
- Sinister Wisdom, "On Being Old and Age #10," Lincoln, Nebraska,
- Taetzsch, Lynne, Hot Flashes: Women Writer's on the Change of
Life. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995
- Taylor, Dena, and Amber C. Sumrall, Women of the 14th Moon: Writings
on Menopause. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1991
- Van Eyk McCain, Marian, Elderwoman, Scotland: Findhorn Press, 2002
- Walker, Barbara G., The Crone. San Francisco: Harper-Collins,
- Weed, Susun, Wise Woman Ways: Menopausal Years. Woodstock,
NY: Ash Tree Publishing, 1992
- Women and Aging, Corvallis: Calyx Books, 1986
